Hive Link Assisted Living
A major government priority is to help older, vulnerable people stay independent for longer. It is also what older people themselves want. Read how we worked with Hive to help make this possible.
A major government priority is to help older, vulnerable people stay independent for longer. It is also what older people themselves want. Read how we worked with Hive to help make this possible.
Evaluating the experience of buying Heat as a Service is one of the longest and most important projects on which we’ve been engaged. Read how consumers got on with buying heating in units of Warm Hours rather than kWhs.
Usability testing and longitudinal diary studies for Centrica Connected Home looking at the early customer experience of the Hive smart heating system’s thermostat, app and website.
Ethnographic research involving in-home observations and interviews, and an ergonomics analysis, followed by ideation sessions with the client, revealed opportunities for innovation in the ironing market to make ironing more convenient, and offer benefits of greater sustainability.
Expert interviews, in-home observations and diaries helped E.ON better understand the needs of its older, more vulnerable customers when it came to managing their heating and hot water.